Past exhibitions
2024 SOLO EXHIBITION / Manabu KOCHI - Spring Artist / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2023 SOLO EXHIBITION / SWM Intelligence Center
/ Okinawa, Japan
2022 The history of Okinawa’s Fine Arts / Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum / Naha, Japan
2021 Art Museum Collection’s Exhibition / Okinawa Art Museum / Naha, Japan
2021 BONHAMS Auction, “La Tragédie du Liban” in memory of the 2020 Beirut explosion.
Claude et France Lemand Foundation / Paris
2020 CHRISTIE’S Auction / I.M.A.GINATION Online Auction 24J Jun – 16 Jul / Worldwide
2019 SOLO EXHIBITION / SWM Intelligence Center
/ Okinawa, Japan
2019 Portrait de l’Oiseau-qui-N’existe-Pas, Selected Artworks from the Claude et France Lemand Donation.
Institut du Monde Arabe Museum / Paris
2018 Art Paris Art Fair (Galerie Claude Lemand) / Grand Palais
/ Paris
2018 Portrait de l’Oiseau-qui-n’existe-pas (Collection
Claude & France LEMAND) /Maison des arts / Antony, France
2017 Around the world through the tondos / The Museum of L'Hospice Saint Roche /
Issoudun, France
2017 Art Paris Art Fair (Galerie Claude Lemand), Grand Palais
/ Paris
2016 Manabu KOCHI Sculptures / Galerie
Claude Lemand / Paris
2016 SOLO EXHIBITION / Original Prints: Lithographs, Dry Points, Silkscreens/ Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2016 Art Paris Art Fair (Galerie Claude Lemand) / Grand Palais
/ Paris
2015 SOLO EXHIBITION / SWM Intelligence Center
/ Okinawa, Japan
2015 SOLO EXHIBITION / Recent Paintings Espace Claude Lemand / Paris
2015 SOLO EXHIBITION / Sculptures / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2015 Art Paris Art Fair (Galerie Claude Lemand) / Grand Palais / Paris
2014 Bronze sculptures of Manabu Kochi / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2014 Portraits de l’Oiseau Qui N’Exisite pas / Museum of l’Hospice Saint-Roch / Issoudun, France
2014 Art Paris Art Fair (Galerie Claude Lemand) / Grand Palais / Paris
2013 Petits Formats en Fête / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2013 SOLO EXHIBITION, SWM Intelligence center / Okinawa, Japan
2013 SOLO EXHIBITION, Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2013 Exposition d’Orient et d’Occident / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2012 Bronze sculptures of Manabu Kochi / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2011 Exposition d’Orient et d’Occident / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2011 SOLO EXHIBITION / SWM Intelligence center / Okinawa, Japan
2011 Exposition Abboud, Assadour, Azzawi, Benanteur, Ben Bella, Choukini, Kochi / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2010 SOLO EXHIBITION / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2010 Exhibition for Public Auction to profit of Haitian artists/Ministry of Culture and Communication / Paris
2010 "1859–2009, Benoît-De-Puydt, un donateur éclairé" / Museum of Benoît-De-Puydt / Bailleul, France
2009 Art Curial Art Contemporain Auction / Hotel Marcel Dassault / Paris
2009 SOLO EXHIBITION / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2009 Tribute to the square painting / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2009 Paintings of China and Japan / Museum of Benoît-De-Puydt / Bailleul, France
2009 SOLO EXHIBITION / SWM Intelligence center / Okinawa, Japan
2009 La Collection Année 80 / Espace Claude Lemand / Paris
2009 L’oiseau / Galerie Claude Lemand / Paris
2008 SOLO EXHIBITION / The heart life hospital / Okinawa, Japan
2008 The exhibition of 50 artists, tribute to Garcia Lorca / Gallery municipal of Ishigaki / Okinawa, Japan
2008 The exhibition of 50 artists, tribute to Garcia Lorca/Okinawa prefectural museum of art / Okinawa, Japan
2008 L’exposition internationale d’art contemporain / Clinique de Heart / Okinawa, Japan
2007 The exhibition of the locus of Okinwan culture / Okinawa prefectural museum of art / Okinawa
2007 The collection Politeo, tribute to Garcia Lorca / Gallery Zuccato / Poreč, Croatia
2006 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Atos / Okinawa, Japan
2006 SOLO EXHIBITION / Tokyo Art collection / Gallery Atos / Tokyo
2006 SOLO EXHIBITION / Okuyanbaru folk customs museum of Kunigami / Okinawa, Japan
2006 The collection Politeo / Berlin Art Center / Berlin
2006 Carré d’art / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2006 Contemporary Art and Interiory design / Ozon plaza / Gallery Atos / Tokyo
2006 Estampes originales / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2005 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2005 Mille Portraits de l’Oiseau Qui N’Exisite pas / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2005 Livres et Oeuvres d’art / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2005 Interntional Tribute to Federico GarciaLorca / Contemporary Spanish Engraving Museum / Marbella, Spain
2004 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery of l’ Entrepot / Paris
2004 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2004 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery CLEA / Paris
2004 SOLO EXHIBITION / Art salon Ryubo / Naha, Japan
2004 Group Exhibition / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2004 Art and Nature/ Gallery of l’Entrepot / Paris
2004 International Tribute to Federico Garcia Lorca / Mimara Museum / Zagreb, Croatia
2003 SOLO EXHIBITION /Gallery Okinawa / Naha, Japan
2003 SOLO EXHIBITION / Hôkikoku Sangaku Museum / Tottori, Japan
2003 Air Art 1903–2003 / Zagreb Air port of Zagreb / Zagreb, Croatia
2003 Oeuvres rares / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2002 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2002 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2002 Exhibition of artists’ book for opening of new Grande Library / Alexandria, Egypt
2002 “AZZAWI, GONTARD, KOCHI” / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2002 Exhibition of monumental sculptures / Open museum of L’Amirauté Golf / Deauville, France
2002 L’exposition Collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2001 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Okinawa / Okinawa, Japan
2001 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Leman / Paris
2001 Cabinet d’Amateur / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2000 SOLO EXHIBITION / Tokyo Gas Urban Development co,ltd./ Tokyo
2000 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Okinawa / Okinawa, Japan
2000 Carré Libre / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2000 L’exposition collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2000 L’exposition collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
2000 L’exposition collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1999 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1999 Collection Novotel d’Art Contemporain / Espace Paul Ricar / Paris
1998 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Okinawa / Naha, Japan
1998 SOLO EXHIBITION / Planet Havas Voyages / Paris
1998 SOLO EXHIBITION / Okinawa Times 50th anniversary Exhibition / Okinawa, Japan
1998 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1998 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Okinawa / Okinawa, Japan
1998 Okinawa Contemporary Art / Art garden Kawasaki / Kawasaki, Japan
1997 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1997 SOLO EXHIBITION / Virginia Miller Gallery / Miami
1997 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1997 Gallery C. Lemand 9th anniversary exhibition / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1997 Les papiers du cœur / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1997 Gallery’s festival / Okinawa, Japan
Gallery Okinawa / Okinawa, Japan
1996 SOLO EXHIBITION / New York Art Expo / StarArt Foundation / New York
1996 SOLO EXHIBITION / Carthew Thompson Gallery / Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
1996 Portrait de L’Oiseau-Qui-N’Existe-Pas / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1996 Keihanshin Art and Frame Fair / Ariyoshi Art materials ltd. / Ôsaka
1996 Contemporary Artist / Gallery Mitsugoshi / Okinawa, Japan
1996 Sept jours sur Sept / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1996 Préférences 1996 / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1995 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1995 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Okinawa / Okinawa, Japan
1995 Okinawa Contemporary Artists / Urasoe Museum / Urasoe, Japan
1995 Festival of Gallery / Naha city Gallery / Okinawa, Japan
1994 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Work II / Okinawa, Japan
1994 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1994 Livers d’artistes / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1994 Pièces de collection / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1994 L’exposition collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1994 Master of Tondos / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1993 SOLO EXHIBITION / NIC Gallery / Fukuoka, Japan
1993 SOLO EXHIBITION / Mitsugoshi Gallery / Okinawa, Japan
1993 Master’s print of Atelier Mourlot / Karita city museum / Karita, Japan
1993 Master’s print of Atelier Mourlot / Onomichi City Museum / Onomichi, Japan
1993 Master’s print of Atelier Mourlot / Kyoto Daimaru / Kyoto
1993 Master’s print of Atelier Mourlot / Iwate Culture Center / Iwate, Japan
1993 Paintings on Paper / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1993 Master of Tondos / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1992 SOLO EXHIBITION / Emori Gallery / Tokyo
1992 Master’s print of Atelier Mourlot / Sogo Museum of Art / Yokohama, Japan
1992 L’exposition collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1992 Master’s print of Atelier Mourlot / Iyotetsu Sogô / Iyotetsu, Japan
1992 Master’s print of Atelier Mourlot / Nara Sogo Museum of Art / Nara, Japan
1991 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1991 SOLO EXHIBITION / World wide contact international / Washington.DC
1991 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Appearance Art collection / Kyoto
1991 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Work II / Okinawa, Japan
1991 3eme Forum d’arts plastiques / Bori Vian curture center / Les Ulis, France
1991 3eme Forum d’ arts plastiques / Espace Libertés / Aubervilliers, France
1991 Hommage à Fernand Mourlot / Perpignans, France
1990 France–Okinawa Contemporary art / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1990 Salon de Mai / Grand Palais / Paris
1990 Made in France / World wide Contact International / Washington D.C.
1990 L’exposition collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1989 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1989 L’exposition collective / Gallery Claude Lemand / Paris
1989 Paris 1989 / Sollerod Kunstforening / Holte, Denmark
1988 SOLO EXHIBITION / Gallery Okinawa / Okinawa, Japan
1986 Presenze artisti contemporanei / Gallery F.Borghese / Rome, Italy
1986 Insolite, mais raffine / Espace Sema / Paris
1986 L’art actuel Japonais / Centre de Formation / Saint Pierre Lès Nemours, France
1986 Carnaval des masques / Espace Sema / Paris
1985 Lorient et Japon / Galerie de l’Épée / Lorient, France
1985 Fontaines et Jardins / Espace Sema / Paris
1985 Biennale D’Art Actuel, Jeune Japon / La Cuvée / Lachassagne, France
1984 L’art contemporain de l’ Extreme Orient / Sartrouville, France
1984 Salon Celle St-cloud / Celle St-cloud, France
1983 Salon Société national des Beaux Art / Grand palais / Paris
1977 Salon de Okinawa Prefecture / Naha, Japan
1976 Salon de Daisanbunmei / Tokyo
1976 Salon de Okiten / Naha, Japan
1975 Salon de All nippon art / Tokyo City Art Gallery / Tokyo
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